This is the Message Centre for WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.
Albatrosses - the end of the Line?
Websailor Started conversation Nov 27, 2006
WA, and anyone else interested. I have just watched a 4 min. DVD sent to me by the RSPB about Albatrosses and the main threat to their existence.
Not a word spoken - 'a picture paints a thousand words' in truth. It was free from the RSPB to the first 250 applicants, and I got lucky. Oh, why, only 250 There should be thousands of them sent out. Surely supporters would be happy to pay the postage?
It spoke volumes, with just a few lines on the screen at the end, which I will repeat here when I have had another look. It was so moving my mind has gone blank for the moment.
I assume all 250 will have gone, but it might be worth asking tthe RSPB if they have any left.
The birds are beautiful, and so caring and loving to their offspring and partners, yet they are destroyed in such a barbaric way to supply human greed.
Back later with more info.
Albatrosses - the end of the Line?
Websailor Posted Nov 27, 2006
About 100,000 albatrosses die as a result of long line fishing every year , caught on the hooks as they take the bait meant for fish.
Of 21 albatross species 19 are threatened with extinction.
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Albatrosses - the end of the Line?
Websailor Posted Nov 27, 2006
That should have read:
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Albatrosses - the end of the Line?
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