This is the Message Centre for WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Great PS!

Post 1


Hi WA,

Came across you as I was browsing, just had to say what a really great PS you have; the best I have seen.

I am new to hootoo, and have yet to learn how to post all these great links etc.

smiley - cheers Clip_per

Great PS!

Post 2

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Hi Clip_per,

Apologies for the dealy in replying I've been having a break from hootoo. Glad you liked the PS it needs a bit of updating. Welcome to hootoo, I can reccomend Lils Atelier if you want to get involved with a great bunch of HooToozins.


Great PS! Reply

Post 3


Hi WanderingAlbatross,

Just read your comments, I too have been out of touch; can only use PC at work (that is every other week) as my internet connection at home is down. I'll give Lils Atelier a call. Will it be OK with you if I use your name as an introduction?

Many thanks



Great PS! Reply

Post 4

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

No problem whatsoever, the regulars are an interesting bunch with a great sense of humour and good conversations. Just duck if they throw things at you, they'll be meant for me.

WA smiley - biggrin

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