
Based (and sometimes base) in a throbbing Welsh metropolis, LunarTick,(38, off-piste pedagogue and dearth mother), has dabbled in a variety of genres.

During her braver moments, she has partaken in stand-up, sit-down and, occasionally, prostrate comedy. However, this had a detrimental effect on her digestive system, and, against the advice of her sponsors (Immodium), she now just writes "comedy"(?), in the privacy of her own hovel.

She certainly does not lack motivation. Currently, self-discipline and time management are alien concepts. Euphemistically speaking, LunarTick needs to be more focused.

Lunar Tick was born in Lambeth. At six weeks, and at no expense at all, she was offered a transfer to Hampshire by her adoptive parents. This marked the beginning of a totally dysfunctional yet blissfully happy childhood. Following her parents' divorce and her mother's marriage to her father's business partner, LunarTick grew up (?) amongst a tribe of heathen siblings and other livestock on a farm in Herefordshire.

Having been told that she'd be ideally suited to life in an institution, LunarTick trained to be a teacher.

LunarTick has often been advised to take up writing professionally, particularly by her colleagues and, notably, by her employers. During her less paranoid moments, she has interpreted this as sincere encouragement rather than a veiled attempt to purge their workplace of a "methodologically eccentric" modern linguist, with a messy desk and a penchant for standing on window sills.

Thus, nonchalantly tossing her secure job, responsible position, guaranteed income and trusty red pen into one of life's metaphorical refuse facilities, LunarTick has decided to cast off the shackles of her meteoric career, and spend some time learning how to write shorter sentences.

So far, she has written two educational books which are to be published in March 2004.

This was not quite what she intended, as she would rather write comedy...

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