This is the Message Centre for Chris...Trying to make sense of a wierd world.

oi oi chris

Post 1


Elloooo again smiley - smiley

Just seen your new name tag..Chris, nothing in this weird world makes sense, if it did then life would be too easy!

smiley - hug

donna..smiley - angel

oi oi chris

Post 2

Chris...Trying to make sense of a wierd world.

Hiya babe.

You right there Donna.Who wants an easy life anyway?


You checked out my page then?

smiley - hug


oi oi chris

Post 3



i have just finished reading your new entry Lists..and babes i gotta say thankyou babes, think thats the first time ive laughed in weeks..Its very good, think you deserve a smiley - star for that one.

smiley - hug

smiley - angel donna..xx

oi oi chris

Post 4

Chris...Trying to make sense of a wierd world.

Thanks babe.

Glad they make ya smile.smiley - biggrin

Can ya get all my page on digibox then babe?


oi oi chris

Post 5


last time i checked i could, oh! you showing off now coz u got pc, definately got your comp at right time babe, telewest is going from bad 2 worse (didnt think that was possible)

oi oi chris

Post 6


last time i checked i could, oh! you showing off now coz u got pc, definately got your comp at right time babe, telewest is going from bad 2 worse (didnt think that was possible)

oi oi chris

Post 7

Chris...Trying to make sense of a wierd world.

Just didnt know whether there be too much on it for digibox or not.
I got some more stuff to put on it yet but i not doing it tonight cause i off to bed now.

So I speak to you soon babe.

Take care.

smiley - cuddle


oi oi chris

Post 8


Goodnight,Godbless Babes smiley - love

Sweetdreaming smiley - hug

smiley - angel donna..xx

oi oi chris

Post 9

Chris...Trying to make sense of a wierd world.

Hiya Donna.

Hows you babe?

Hope you ok anyway.smiley - ok

I have not said alot on here today,I not been online much.Been hit by the bug that the baby got and feel a bit crappy still.If stuff aint coming out of one end of me its coming out the other.I wont go into any more detail that that.Not that you would want me too.

I have just been on now tidying up my space and unsubscribing from unused convos.So I have unsubscribed from the ultimat nightmare one ok.So dont post to that one cause i wont know about it ok.

Right,like i said I hope ya ok and i will speak to you soon.

Take care smiley - chick

smiley - hug


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