This is the Message Centre for TheLadiesMan
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Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Started conversation Oct 7, 2003
Welcome to h2g2
I am Mort, <./>ACE</.> (Assistant Community Editor) here to meet and greet you, and help you find your way around this site.
As you are typing in capital letters, i am guessing that you are a digibox user and may even be an ex LDer! If so the following bit is relevant for you, if not just ignore it
You might want to know that h2g2 is available without the graphics. It's a different ‘skin’ to the one you are probably using now and is called "plain". To find out more go to A948602 or to change your skin right away click this link -> and make sure "plain" is selected in the skin box then click "update details.
A couple of good places for ex LD'ers are U201567 Friends of Leisure District
A913150 The FoLDers Arms Bar !
A814303 The list of ex Lders now on h2g2 – you may find and old friend there!
general h2g2 stuff!
Feisor has compiled a list of links at A719840 to make it easier to familiarise yourself with some of the most helpful entries on h2g2, but here are a few to be going on with….
Take the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> - its free and very useful!
If you want to find out something, (such as ‘how to fold a napkin’ or more serious issues then the best place to ask is <./>ASKh2g2</.>, someone will always have an opinion there!
Visit <./>ThePost</.> our weekly newspaper and <./>frontpage</.> to see what’s happening in h2g2. And the page that everyone always wants to find is
<./>smileys</.> click on the link to get the full list
or A690518 for help spicing up your page!
If you want to visit my page for a chat or you need any help then click here U204689 , leave me a message and i will get back you as soon as i can.
Happy Hiking!
PS i should add the we tend not to use all capitals as it is considered as 'shouting'
Visit from your ACE!...
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Oct 7, 2003
oops - i forgot to add that there is a scottish researchers group at A599376 and they are always arranging meet ups!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."