This is the Message Centre for ^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 201


smiley - hugturnthat frow upside downsmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 202

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i wish i cud but i cant, im that depressed....

and need more h2g2 pals...

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 203


smiley - hugjust go out and say hello to
people people on here are smiley - okthey wont bite smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 204

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i cant hunnysmiley - sadface

i honestly cant.. i have no confidence of speak to ne1-saying hi myself, ebvene on thissmiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 205


smiley - okWill you come to the folders with me then i will look after you dont worrie smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 206

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i do go in and say hi to all.... but i cant carry it onsmiley - sadface


Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 207


half hour smiley - ok with yousmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 208

Evoot - Back in Black!!

erm....... not at mo, cos aint practical since we prob both aint on..

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 209


smiley - okill be on latersmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 210

Evoot - Back in Black!!


Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 211


I am smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 212

Evoot - Back in Black!!

ur on abit late for me... 12/1 in morning,lol

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 213


smiley - smileyHello sorry not been on that much rely real life stuff going on smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 214

Evoot - Back in Black!!

hi hun!!

dont worry about it xx

ive been busy on here so...

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 215


What you been up tosmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 216

Evoot - Back in Black!!

on here or???

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