This is the Message Centre for ^-^DARKLING- H2G2 AlTeRnAtIvE CoMmUnItY^-^

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 181


not every ones happy all the time
i think you are self consious becouse the ones you are reading are happy ones

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 182

Evoot - Back in Black!!

nah, all the people i speak to when they wana always are.....

aint fair smiley - sadface cos ive never been in my 18 yrs of existing smiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 183



Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 184

Evoot - Back in Black!!

ive never had wat u call a life... like every1 else...

never socialised, had pals, done anthing really that u do in life smiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 185


well my mates from school i see every shefield flood and my life at the moment is comeing on h2g2

i dont get out all that often to say

you know what you need a good night out call loads of people you know have a good old knees up chase loads of fellas about the pubs

best thing is take things a day at a time realy relax have fun and dont worrie aboutsmiley - bleep

i mean no serious relationship in
god knows thats my theory and im sound yeh i get down but like me pick yourself up dust yourself off start again from a new begining

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 186

Evoot - Back in Black!!

if i i could have a gud like outting thing i would, i have no school pals.. as every1 there avoided me and talked behind my back, so had none smiley - sadface so cant do it, only have online pals which aint gud ......

im down and depressed 24/7 cos nowt ever changes.....'

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 187


Well you can talk to us smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 188

Evoot - Back in Black!!

its nnot same tho.....

i need to be with people in the flesh as ive never experienced it hardly much, im always out newhere in general with me mum which aint rightsmiley - sadface

if there were more glos peeps on here id def meet up with them, getting pals too....

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 189



Have you thought about doing a collage corse or some thing everning class there you meat load`s of people

My t is ready be back later on smiley - ok

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 190

Evoot - Back in Black!!


college /schools dont suit me really... plus theyre aint much i cud do in gloucester for courses, if they did course to learn play guitar or drums(wat i really wana do), i wud go alot cos i really wana if tho it wud scare me, jus experience of school freaks me out still, i was only at secondary school till year 8 coss i developed phobia smiley - sadface ..

hope to speak later xx

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 191


Thats something i could do next h2g2 how to learn the guitarsmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 192

Evoot - Back in Black!!


u cudnt get me a guitar too.... lol

smiley - crysmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 193


smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 194

Evoot - Back in Black!!

smiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 195


Hello smiley - smileysmiley - hug

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 196

Evoot - Back in Black!!


smiley - cuddle

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 197


So what are you up two smiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 198

Evoot - Back in Black!!

nowtsmiley - sadface

wishing the friends i used to hav would reply to my msgs:'O(

looks like there gone foreversmiley - sadface

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 199


i dont know 3 min is a good average for a reply smiley - biggrin
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Hello and welcome to h2g2

Post 200

Evoot - Back in Black!!

1 msg... 4days,no replysmiley - sadface

other same

other 12 hours , eve sent e-mail which wont reply

no1 answer my msgs no moresmiley - sadface

thus shows now who likes me as pal,, 99% dontsmiley - sadface

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