This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

Hi Junk Yard Dog

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Hiya smiley - smiley

I noticed you have my '(History of)h2g2 Via Digibox' amonst your links smiley - magic although I'm flattered smiley - smiley I just thought I ought to make it clear that it is not a help page..well, not now anyway. As I added to it early last year, there have been so many site improvements made for the Digibox user that most of the information there is obsolete, it's more how it used to be like for Digibox users, the site has come a long way since I wrote that smiley - biggrin

smiley - rose

Hi Junk Yard Dog

Post 2

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

hi there, well it shows im looking about. so where have u updated info plz. could u send the link. many thanks jysmiley - dog.

Hi Junk Yard Dog

Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Sorry about the delay in replying Junk Yard Dog, I've been a bit busy, and not been online.

Although it's not really a help page, I usually offer 'Friends of Leisure District' - U201567 link to Digibox Users if they need help. There used to be an Advice thread there.

I'll add a link to 'Friends of LD' at the top of '(History of)h2hg2 Via Digibox' so that if anyone does go there looking for help, they'll easily find the link. smiley - ok

smiley - rose

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