This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

hi dave

Post 1


smiley - hug hi dave we have chatted on known on there as daynurse smiley - rose ive added you too my friends list on here hope you dont mind.....smiley - peacedove
smiley - bubbly
smiley - wizard jean smiley - love better known as sarah in yoome2 xxxx smiley - bubbly

hi there

Post 2

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

well what a nice supprise, how is u keeping. how long u been on h2, i will add u to m8s list, hope to chat more to u . smiley - dog

hi there

Post 3


hi again just been on for a couple off wxxeeks dave...its much better than yoome smiley - lovesmiley - hug doing ok smiley - ta howz u ? ....smiley - star just gonna have a smiley - stiffdrink lmao..wanna join me ? smiley - cider lol
smiley - love sarah smiley - dragon

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