This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42


Post 1


Hello Dave Longtime no see how are smiley - biggrin


Post 2

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

hi princess. yes long time no see. how is you. me is keeping well. keeping my coat well groomed. hope to chat longer very soon. from the smiley - dog


Post 3


I'm Fine Thankyou Dave
What you been up2 ?
Do you still go on ym2 If yes my new name on there is hilarymm1
I've been a very buisy woman this week so i not had chance to talk to me friends do what i want to do i was broken into and It's been all go go go No breaks No nothinksmiley - sadface
If you want email me on [email protected]
Your welcome tosmiley - ok
Take it easy
smiley - biggrin

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