This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

yo Junk Yard

Post 1


i posted this to help you in the other thread but just in case you miss it here it is againsmiley - ok

right junk yard, make sure you are definately in Guide Ml. once you have put the dot in the Guide Ml option press 'change style' you are now in Guide Mlsmiley - biggrin

your screen should now look like this:

to put a picture in you go to the picture library and get the codes, for example i have a picture of Death on my page and the code is as follows:

to put this on your page you need to put it between the opening tags of guide and body and the closing tags, like so:

press 'update introduction' and voila, i now have a picturesmiley - cheers

if you want to change what side the picture goes on just delete the "CENTRE" quote and replace with "LEFT" or "RIGHT" your choice.

the blob number is important, make sure you copy it correctly.

the ALT is just what you want the picture to say when people hover their cursor over it

hope that helps.

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yo Junk Yard

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