This is the Message Centre for junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

Are You The Same?

Post 1


Are you The same smiley - dogFrom LD ?

Hello There I've forgotten my manner's Let me introduce myself
I'm HilaryMarie age 25 Female From Liverpool
I've been on h2g2 for Year's now
You might Remeber me Off LD as The Same Username I've Got Now
smiley - lovePrincess*of*Hearts*smiley - love
I hope Yoursmiley - okI not scared of yoursmiley - sharkI have my own 2 Plus asmiley - piratelol
Take care
spk soon
I mustsmiley - runI've got Zillion's ofsmiley - thepostto reply to smiley - doh
See you around sweetsmiley - love
smiley - biggrin

yes the same.

Post 2

junk yard dog(UNOFFICIAL)keeper of magic blue writing,And the god of junk yards.(5x7)(6+4-2-1)=42

hi hun, yes its me the old dog of ld. cant remember u , but that counts 4 nothing hows u keeping. we r really well. this is a bit strange to me at the mo. but i wii keep trying, i wud be gratefull of any links. dave xx

yes the same.

Post 3


Well Dave I Remeber you I have allway's used This username Mind you I was known as H.marie as well smiley - whistleI've Had Load's of Name's But This was my Proper Real Username as Everyone knew me Do you Remeber November_Rain?
He is on here I've kept in Touch With Load's Met Load's of lovely People toosmiley - blush
Anyway You Must Remeber Me I was the 1 allway's haven Bother With A smiley - devilyou chased him away smiley - biggrinonce or twice.
So how are you and what have you been up2 sinse last Time we spoke To each other I'm Glad i found you Have you Still Got Your Pc then Or are you on a magic Email Link ?
I've got a few link's but there on my email store room at the moment email me later and I will send you them Here's my addy
[email protected]
Oh I'm smiley - okthanks Never Felt Bettersmiley - sadfaceThough I still Haven mere Problem's On here The smiley - devilFollowed me onto here But everythink Is under Control Now as I have Mysmiley - sharks and smiley - pirates On the watch out!
I'll add you to my friend's list Plus put you on my space page I have all my friend's on there Plus family member's you may have a peek at my page
I put you as Oh god i have to see if there's a funny enough smiley to put you as first lol
This is what I look Likesmiley - fairy
I've not changed 1 little bit lol.
I mustsmiley - runI've moresmiley - thepostto reply to Take care
smiley - hugs
smiley - love

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