This is the Message Centre for kbrtiata


Post 1


I thnk British say it [dai]rection wehrease Ameican say it [di]rection.
smiley - geek
Is thie Right? I think it is smiley - tongueout
you say [pri]vacy, though American say [piai]vacy...
Completely upside dwon, I think smiley - geek


Post 2


could be right it sounds like it is


Post 3


I say DIE-rection, and PRI-va-cy, and I'm English, if that helps?

smiley - panda


Post 4


smiley - ta
It helps a lot.

I found it [dai]rection in POD(British)
But it has changed little by little.
I mean Language is a living thing smiley - laugh

So it depends, doesn't it?

Andy How are you doing?
Miss you smiley - cry


Post 5


I looked at the dictionary, and found that
most of British say [dai]rection instead of [di]rection (Amreican English wherease you say [pri]vacy in British smiley - geek (amercan said [piai]vacy)
My Frecnh teacher told me that British sounds is more simlare to breton language smiley - geek

It's very interesting to know such kind different way of pronounciation.
Very good for my English improvement smiley - laugh

Animal smiley - hug
The big scaled typhoon passed through our area last midnight and it has gone Though we have quite stron wind blowing here at the moment. there is no harm nor damage here smiley - smiley
Thank you for your warm thoughts.
smiley - musicalnote

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