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Taamyu again lol

Post 1


Hiya all smiley - hug
I'm still uneasy condition, but I'm okay smiley - laugh

Ooops, Very SORRY that I'm very bad at writer smiley - sorry

Recently I've been very lazy and sleepy lol.
I still keep teaching smiley - chicks English on Tuesdays (three times a month)

Now I'm absorbed with cross stiching and watching DVD at home.
Nowadays, I watch Korean films(mostly horror) quite often. So I often dream a nigtmaresmiley - yikes

It's getting warmer and warmer here smiley - rainbow We enjoy this very comfortable season until the horrible rainy season soon in June smiley - grr

Well, please please leave your message if you won't forget me smiley - tea and tell me your recent news smiley - love

See you soon smiley - tit

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote
smiley - diva

Taamyu again lol

Post 2

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko
i got your pictures, thankyou,
i still have no replacement for my pc tower, so i had to see them at a freinds a few days ago,
my freind is trying to make them small enough to send to my box,but no luck as yet.
we still have rain at times here, warm yesterday, but today is cold and wet,
take care your freind jimbobxxxxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 3


hi there hope you are well

Taamyu again lol

Post 4


Hi Taeko,always lovely to hear from you and know you are well,hopefully we can chat 'LIVE',one of these days.You take care Love Pinky xxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 5


smiley - love

I'm okay smiley - laugh

smiley - ta for coming heresmiley - tea

Taamyusmiley - musicalnote

Taamyu again lol

Post 6


I just like to make sure your OK,my dear friend See you soon Love Pinky xxxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 7


hello teamu just letting you know i havent forgntten you,hope you are fine,im sad at the moment my mum died at christmas.iook after yourself.jackiexxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 8


sorry to here that skyliner i also lost family member at the start of the year ,

Taamyu again lol

Post 9


thankyou shifty shug sorry about your loss as well.

Taamyu again lol

Post 10

Cat from mars

heya it's great to hear from you every now and again.
you like watching korean horror films? cool...
i like watching a lot of japanese, chinese and korean horror films.
very very kool.

Taamyu again lol

Post 11


Hello Jackie,
I'm very sorry for your mother. smiley - rose
I do hope you'll feel better as time beings.

And shes, too.

Hope you'll settle down as soon as possible.

I'm okay though I still be in low time to time.
But I'm getting better than 2 months ago.

It's getting hotter and hotter and sticky smiley - yuk
The horrible dull rainy season is approaching here smiley - blue

So we enjoy the short time of greenish park at the moment.

Everyboey, I do hope you enjoy yourself even if you have really sad things.

Take Care smiley - hug


Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Taamyu again lol

Post 12


Hiya, sorry I've not left you a message for sooooo long, but I've been stuck in France (still am in France, but the term has finished, so I have more time for the internet). I haven't been able to learn any Japanese over here, but I will probably do it again when I'm back in Hull (although I think I've forgotten it all).

smiley - panda

Taamyu again lol

Post 13

Jimcracker7[ gone altogether. im my home from home.

hi taeko

im on a pc agin at lastsmiley - disco

hope you are well and your weather is a bity more certain than ours

it cant make its mind up whether to rain or shine,lol

take care you freind jimsmiley - discoxxxxxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 14


Hiya Cyzak smiley - hug
I think I'll teach you Japanese, if you want to smiley - ok
No Problem smiley - laugh

smiley - sadface I havn't been abscent my French lesson for 2 months smiley - yikes, I almost forget how to speak French smiley - rofl
At the moment I'm very afrad of sending "les courriels" to my French Friends smiley - cry

Hiya Jim smiley - smooch
smiley - ta for not forgetting this lazy witch
I'm getting better mentally, though it's getting hotter and sticky in Japan as the horrible rainy season is approaching smiley - yuk

Well I'll try to e-mails to you pc soon smiley - ok

See you then,

Take care!!

Taamyu smiley - musicalnote

Taamyu again lol

Post 15


hi taamyu thanks for your kind words,i will be ok it takes time,glad your weather has improved the weather isnt too good here our summer hasnt got started yet,well it was nice to here from you hope your health improves. love jackiexxx

Taamyu again lol

Post 16


Thanks for offering to teach me japanese! I think it will be OK though as I will be back in Hull in september so I can get back to learning it then.

smiley - panda

Taamyu again lol

Post 17


smiley - sorry for your mother, Jackie.
I'm okay, though I'm dying with sticky heat smiley - grovel

Everybody, I'm alive, still now smiley - laugh


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