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First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 21

Shea the Sarcastic

I'm impressed that you can learn so many languages. I tried French once, but I didn't do very well. smiley - blush

It was a lovely day today, sunny and warm! 45°F/7°C ... okay, I guess it's been cold lately for me to think that's warm! smiley - laugh

First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 22


Im still trying to lurn englizhsmiley - spacesmiley - tongueincheek

First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 23


I GAVE UP learning JAPANESE smiley - laugh

at the mo, because of "refusing communication in Japanese SYNDROME PROBLEM", I can speak/write English/French much better than JAPANESE smiley - yikes, though I have got very poor vocabularies smiley - tongueincheek, this is the one of reasons why I'm here smiley - laugh
As far as French is concerend, I can only know very very limited, baby-like wordssmiley - tongueout, but it's fine if I can chat with my French friends smiley - laugh

First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 24

Shea the Sarcastic

As long as your French friends are babies, you'll be okay! smiley - biggrin

First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 25


Yeah smiley - biggrin
But "MES MAMANS" (my French friends' MUMS)" DO understand me smiley - laugh

First Journal of this year from sleepy Taamyu

Post 26

The Liquid Warrior (Vescere bracis meis)

I sent you an e mail with new address, but it was returned undeliverable.

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