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kbrtiata Posted Nov 5, 2003
GOSH!! You have two kids, don't you ?
I've never ever thought of it
Thinking about my friends, most of them have got chilren . As I'm single and have got any kids, sometimes I feel very strange that my friends have got
s or
How old are they? They must be CUTE
I wish if could see your daughter dancing
Today, it was a rather warm lovely day as I told you
I do hope it will be fine day tomorrow, too
I'll go to calligraphy lesson tomorrow afternoon
It's fun
Do you drink a lot ?
As I don't drink so often after I've got pancreatitis
I like wine. I'm not keen on , but I like
Speak to you soon
Kanpai!(Slainte in Japanese!!) &
Beatrice Posted Nov 5, 2003
Yeah, I quite enjoy being a Mom, it's like having a second childhood at times
I drink too much, if I'm honest. I always have a nice bottle of white wine in the fridge, and I usually drink a glass or two with my evening meal.
Other than that, I'm partial to Gin and Tonic .
I only drink Guinness on special ocassions, and it's true what they say about it not tasting the same outside Ireland
On your R/ L pronounciation problems - for "L" sounds stick your tongue out. For "R" sounds curl your tongue back on itself inside your mouth.
kbrtiata Posted Nov 5, 2003
Still awake today (23.35)
for your advice about L/R pronounciation
I'll 'train' pronouncing again and again All I have to do is to do my best
I'll never give up
****Thank you for reading my journal *****
What a coincident I love 'white' wine
Also I prefered like gin or watcca
to sweet cactail
(I'm sorry that I can't drink too much anymore
I'm not sure if I've drinked Guinness, but I like so-called 'black beer(maybe 'Japanese English')'. I think it's stout To tell the truth, I don't like carbonated drinks, even coke I don't like it
That's why I rarely drinked
I once heard that Irish people sometimes drink with milk... Is it true?
Oh, oh, do you like cheese? I do love Chèvre But it's difficult to get it here
Never mind I know some 'crémeri'
Say hello to your lovely s
à bientôt
Grosses bises
Beatrice Posted Nov 5, 2003
Gosh you ask a lot of questions
Let me see....Guinness is a brand name of stout. (Like calling beer Budweiser or Heineken. Or Sapporo)
I've never seen anyone drink it with milk, although there is a drink called "milk stout". That's just a name though. I'll have a check on the 'net to see the origins.
On the other hand, women quite often drink their Guinness with a dash of blackcurrant cordial
I dont like fizzy drinks either, which is why Guinness is so nice, it's nowhere near as fizzy as beer.
er...where were we...ah yes! cheese!
I adore cheese - melted cheddar on toast, shaved Parmesan on pasta, blue Gorgonzola on crackers, cream cheese on French baguettes, And I'm looking forward to my family's traditional Stilton and port at Christmas
after midnight church service.
Beatrice Posted Nov 5, 2003
Yup, milk stout got its name from the fact that it used the lactose or sugars from milk instead of traditional brewing sugars.
kbrtiata Posted Nov 5, 2003
Many thanks for replying my questions which only satify my curiosity
I'm sure to say that I do like Guinness
I wish I were there , so that I could eat, chat with you
Well, Have a Lovely dinner
I think I'll awful quiet Christmas this year and coming new year, as usual
Why I'm awake today is that I want to watch midnight TV
A minor Japanese film will be on TV
By the way I miss Tesco and WHSmith
I got lots of Peter Rabbit's porcelines on sale at Boots(I guess) when I was in England
kbrtiata Posted Nov 7, 2003
How are you? I'm fine.
Just leave my message to you to say
Have a Lovley Weekend
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon
kbrtiata Posted Nov 9, 2003
How are you ? Dancing?
Did you enjoy this weekend?
I had a peaceful weekend
I went to our family's grave to pray for my grandfather as 9th was the 17th anniversary of his death And I visted a temple which keep our family't grave and asked for a serivice (attention, it's not like Christian's. I don't know how I can say in Engish). Because it's in a mountain(called Koyasan (a famous Buddihst sector)), the air was so fresh and the calm atmosphere made me tranquillised
Well Looking forward hearing from you soon
kbrtiata Posted Nov 11, 2003
Hiya again
How are you?
I wonder if you are bored with my convasaiton.
If you can keep in touch with me, will you leave short message to me, please
I hope you are fine
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Beatrice Posted Nov 11, 2003
Sorry I havent replied - been busy at work, and also applying for a new job which sounds quite exciting!
Had a nice time in London at the weekend, but it takes so long to get there and get home again I left my friend's house at 11 am on Sunday morning to catch at plane at 4 pm, and got back to my house at 9 pm....hmmmmmm....
Off to see Tais-toi tonight - a comedy starring Gerard Depardieu and Jean Reno. It will be the first time me and my littl'uns have seen a proper French movie, without sub titles or anything! Wish us luck
kbrtiata Posted Nov 11, 2003
Just before going to bed (01.23, 12th of Nov. here)
GLAD to receive your message
Hope you can get a new job
Yesterday (11th) I went to my friend's house to teach eher s English
Her son pronouce 'r' and 'l' sounds very clearly although it's an American Engoish (my friend speaks American English)
But I enjoy and learn a lot from those cute children. But I get tired today
So just want to say 'thank you' for replying me.
Hope keep in touch when you have a spare time
Take Care & Have a lovely afternoon
One thing which makes me is that most French film appear in Japan later (worst is 2 or 3 years later <err>
than the opening year
Hope you'll enjoy the comedy
Speak to you soon.
à trés bientôt
Bises (I hope you get angry with my bises )
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