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Cyzaki Started conversation Mar 6, 2006
I know you like English rhymes, particually funny or nonsense ones, so I thought you might like this link:
kbrtiata Posted Mar 6, 2006
Yup, I like English Rhyme
I don't mean I love nonsense nor funny ones, but I love rhythmical ones and most of those are of nonsense or funny ones
Good for my English speaking practice
How's your Karate Practice going on?
Cyzaki Posted Mar 6, 2006
Karate is going well - I'm 8th Kyu now! And I'm using lots of Hull versions of Japanese words like 'Tomi komi zuki' and 'mae geri'...
kbrtiata Posted Mar 7, 2006
Pheww, unbelievable
I never ever did Karate, judo, these kind of "sprots"
Have you got special Japanese in Hull?
I (may) know what Mae Geri is, but I don't know what 'Tomi komi zuki' . Which part of body do you hit?
aawwwww very masculine sport (to me) you do. But I guess those kind of sports is good for your mental traing, too
I'll have more s to teach English from April
I'm not so active, and my current s
ing so often
I have to let make them more active with playing, dancing and singing ... But I'll do my best
............ But I'm really worried of loosing my English as I speak them both in English and Japanese at the same time and I get really confused.. Especially Accent
s speak some English words which has become Japanese in Japanese accent
Anyway, we'll have spring holidays soon
Cyzaki Posted Mar 7, 2006
We have a Hull version of Japanese where all the words are pronounced with a Hull accent and Japanese people probably wouldn't recognise them!
Mae geri is a front kick, tomi komi zuki is a front punch to the head. I've probably spelt them wrong as I'm just guessing from how we pronounce them! We also do 'migi hami gamai' which is 'left fighting stance', 'jodan uki' which is 'head block', 'uchi uki' which is 'inner arm block'...
I know its hard speaking a language that you don't speak often, even though I spent all of last year in France I think I'd find it hard to speak French now without some practice! But I'm sure your s will enjoy your lessons. Teach them songs like 'head, shoulders, knees and toes'
kbrtiata Posted Mar 8, 2006
Such a fun to learn Hull Japanese
I did "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" for hundreds times to
"This is head (pointing my head)"....."TOUCH YOUR HEAD!!"
"These are (my) shoulders (touching my shoulders)".... "TOUCH YOUR SHOULDERS!"....
"Are you ready?"...
Heeeead shoulders kneeeeeees and toes, head shoulders knees and toes, Eyes and ears mouth and nose! head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes!!!!"
"Miiiiiiiissssssss! Once MOREEEEEEE!"
Need loads of these kind of songs with actions
But it's fun, you know
Cyzaki Posted Mar 8, 2006
I learnt head shoulders knees and toes in French when I first started learning French, but apparantly no French people ever sing it
Can you understand Hull Japanese? Can you tell me the right spellings of the words?
kbrtiata Posted Mar 9, 2006
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse, on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse tous en rond.
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse, on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse tous en rond.
Les soldats font COOOOM' çA!, et puis encore COOOOOOMM' çA!
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse, on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse tous en rond.
I love this French children song
though I don't know how to play/dance.... lol
Maybe we can dance like "London bridge is falling down" tune
Believe you me I may understand/correct Hull Japanese in Japanese
(Is this correct usage)
"Mae geri" is fine
"tomi komi zuki" could be "TOBI KOMI ZUKI" ("tobi"-"tobu"-"jump/fly/... tobikomu-...plunge/leap into (that person's front..)")
"migi hami gamai" could be simply "Migi Gama"E"
"jodan uki" is Jodan Uk"E"
"uchi uki" is "Uchi Uk"E"
Hope this will help you
This site is written only in Japanese, but you can gusee what they explain the photos.
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