Journal Entries


So I was in Seminary the other day, and it struck me as a little more irritating than usual. It was just a stupid lesson. Typical Christian rhetoric really. I guess I’m just less and less able to put up with it, for one reason or another. It’s always so stupid. “After my Object Lesson today you will know da da da da da, and you will be able to do da da da da da.” Nevermind that it’s badly presented. Nevermind if it isn’t taught to you properly and you aren’t actually paying attention you won’t learn anything at all anyway. Nooooo; you will know it.

“The Earth was made in six days and finished on the seventh.”
“The world is flat.”
And one that’s really gotten on my nerves: “These geological formations were caused by a giant flood that covered the Planet at this time on this date. Of course, it’s not important that such a flood could never happen. It’s not important that the geological formations you’re talking about simply can’t be made by sticking rocks underwater for a month. It’s not important that by saving two members of every animal-and I’m going to go on a limb here and just assume that they’re opposing genders-on an impossibly huge Ark would not provide sufficient genetic diversity and they would all die out from inbreeding. It’s not at all important that the same is true for Adam and Eve, who only had two sons, and one killed the other and was thus Smited. It’s not important that Noah couldn’t possibly have gotten the animals on the American Continents, who therefore should have been drowned in the “universal” flood. We can completely ignore every inconsistency and outright lie the Bible holds because some deranged madman brought us up from birth to know beyond any question whatsoever that it’s a True and Holy Book of the Lord.”
It drives me nuts! Think people! Think! How can any reasonably educated person buy this crap? Good question, because it seems that they do. Let me just use one quote here: “What do Gods need with worshippers?” If he’s an omnipotent, omniscient being, he certainly can survive without you’re walking into a church and crossing yourself every seven days.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2005

Cell Phones

Cellular Phones. The very name raises bile in my throat. What poor, demented fool would degrade themselves by getting such a clearly vile and evil device. Honestly, what single even vaguely redeeming feature does it possess? It’s insanely small, as small as a playing card. So small that holding it in any comfortable way is absolutely impossible. Not just next to your ear, but also right in front of you, because they’re not just for calling people, oh no, that would make too much sense. No, instead they have to cram fifty different things in there. Games, internet connections, chat rooms, hundreds of rings, cameras, reading lights, phone books.......It’s getting so you can’t even use the phone for a phone. There are too many other screens and menus; so many that you get lost and confused in the stupid thing.
As if that wasn’t enough, just imagine all the places it will ring at you. In the Movie Theater, during tests, on the road, making out, watching TV, when you’re trying to hide for whatever reason.......The list goes on and on. Seriously, the last thing I’d ever want to hear in those situations is the cheerful ringing of a cell phone. But, for some reason that I can’t even begin to grasp at, people are actually buying them. Buying them in droves. How can the human species be so stupid?
Oh, wait, I almost forgot who we were talking about. Silly me. This is after all the /human/ species. The very same one that goes about self-righteously wiping out entire ecosystems. The same one that completely destroys in weeks the forests that took decades to grow. The same one that not only tears down the other species’ on the planet, but completely ignores the suffering of its own. They’d much rather make wars with each other over such stupid reasons as differing philosophies and cultural customs. That’s ever so much more fun.

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Latest reply: Mar 9, 2005

Hey everybody!

I'm finally going to be rid of Xmission once and for all!

Unfortunately, this means I won't be on h2g2 for a while, because I have to wait for them to install High-Speed Internet...smiley - blue

Just wanted to let all my Friends know about it. That doesn't really include a lot of people....But no matter! I'd rather have a few /real/ friends than a dozen fake friends.

Cya soon!

smiley - boing

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Latest reply: Mar 1, 2005


I like The Internet because now my World-Wide News isn't just coming from American Sources and so it's easier for me to be Objective.

Actually, this brought to mind something else a few moments ago. It's easy to see that Humans are very destructive creatures, not only to others but to their own Species as well. They're fond of Discriminating against eachother because of a lack of understanding. BUT, as much as they Discriminate, they also Unite in Common Purpose. And since with the Internet it is now all but impossible to Discriminate, the Human Race seems to have a greater chance of finally Pulling Together (once and for all) than it ever did before.

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2004

Uses of this thing...

**FYI: This is the first thing I put in here. But since the Journal system is set up all screwy and doesn't put these top to bottom like it should, , I have to constantly Copy and Paste this where it's supposed to be. As a result the date is wrong.**

All right, I don't have much use for journals so from now on this is going to be my venting place! Those of you who do not want to read long paragraphs full of frustration and self-pity that are only there so I won't resort to physical violence and attack someone STOP NOW! As for the rest...

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Latest reply: Mar 4, 2004

Back to Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"'s Personal Space Home

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

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