This is the Message Centre for 5/1 on AWOL 2 get life time barring...h2g2 fiddle the votes,,, :o)


Post 1

Existential Elevator

Er... hello and <./>welcome</.> to h2g2<?> Sort of<?> smiley - winkeye

I haven't a clue who you are smiley - winkeye


Post 2

5/1 on AWOL 2 get life time barring...h2g2 fiddle the votes,,, :o)

a ace happy t see me...well i'll be..smiley - smiley

ive not got a badge 4 ya you know,,

so you dont have t creep around me smiley - smiley like you do these editorsmiley - bleep on ere,,,smiley - smiley..

hey thanks 4 the greetin tho..smiley - smiley


Post 3

5/1 on AWOL 2 get life time barring...h2g2 fiddle the votes,,, :o)

a ace happy t see me...well i'll be..smiley - smiley

ive not got a badge 4 ya you know,,

so you dont have t creep around me smiley - smiley like you do these editorsmiley - bleep on ere,,,smiley - smiley..

hey thanks 4 the greetin tho..smiley - smiley

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