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Duvet days

Post 1


I'm not at work today. I'm taking a duvet day. A duvet day is a day when you wake up and think, I really don't want to go to work today, the suns shining, the grass needs mowing, and I just feel like staying in bed. The choice is then, do you begrudgingly drag yourself off to work or ring in sick? Not so, if you work for h2g2.

Our totally fabulous boss introduced the concept of duvet days. We get three days a year, in which we can ring up and say 'I'm not coming to work today, I'm taking a duvet day'. And you can snuggle up under the duvet, secure in the knowledge that you can stay at home, no questions asked. No ones allowed to ask why, or say 'well it's a bit inconvenient today, why don't you ...'. A duvet day's a duvet day and you're allowed to just stay at home and do whatever you want.

So what am I doing on my duvet day? I'm not telling....

But the observant among you will notice that I'm posting in my h2g2 journal. Get offline Peta, it's a duvet day, don't hang around at h2g2! Addictive job? Nah.... smiley - winkeye

Duvet days

Post 2


Damn civilised smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Duvet days

Post 3


I quite agree. Whoops. I'm here again... I must log off and get a life... smiley - winkeye

Duvet days

Post 4

Demon Drawer

People accuse us civil servants of having Duvet days. It's not true we only have have 25 days a year plus every bank, or public holiday we can lay our hands on. smiley - smiley

Duvet days

Post 5


The concept of Duvet Days, this rocks my world! If only more employers were so open-minded as to take such great care of their staff (worthy or not). H2G2 and TDV have earned even more respect in my books, what humanitarians! As if putting out the guide wasn't enough to earn them my esteem...

Duvet days

Post 6


I know, the bosses here are fab, they really do look after us. We get a shiatsu massage every other Friday too..bliss... smiley - smiley

Duvet days

Post 7

Demon Drawer

*DD wishes he was so lucky*

Duvet days

Post 8


Wow! I'm just stunned by the concept! My boss is pretty good, but no way would the company ever go for such an idea *glad I'm sitting down before I read that*

That link I promised you on saturday - [Broken link removed by Moderator], and [Broken link removed by Moderator] from a WAP phone. The web site is a bit tedious, but you can find what you're looking for eventually.

It really was no accident you were asked to be community editor, is it? You are one of the most easy-to-talk-to people I've ever met!

The camping trip page is lurking at

Thanks for listening,


Duvet days

Post 9


Aw, Zedley thanks for the compliment.. *blushes*.

Abi is thinking of buying a new phone this week, I think that the icq potential of the WAP phone might just be the deciding factor here... smiley - smiley

Duvet days

Post 10


No worries, it's true smiley - smiley

The Nokia 7110 is quite good, has a pretty good battery life, and the hands free attachment I've got works up-to 60mph on the bike! Probably not such a consideration for Abi, unless she wanted to use it while riding smiley - winkeye

WAP in general is quite slow though. The totally useful thing for me is being able to send and receive emails, even ones sent to my Hotmail and other accounts!


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