Journal Entries
Posted Apr 1, 2013
Spring in Old Aberdeen. The place is deserted. Looking out the cubby-hole window I see bare branches and beautiful clear blue skies. Back to work this morning after a wee holiday. Some catching-up to do but not much, only masses of marking. Miah must have been in a fight last night - S said she - Miah - stank, which is generally what happens when a load of the local cats pin her to the ground and piss all over her.
We watched the film version of Brideshead last night. I am reading the book. It is disconcerting that someone as raw-beef brutish and pug-like as Evelyn Waugh should write so well - a very peculiar talent. A born contrarian. Caius says there are loads of people in Cambridge who aspire to Brideshead.
How stupid. Miking up the coxes and expecting NOT to hear expletive-deleteds.
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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2013
Posted Mar 31, 2013
They couldn't cope with 11 at the table last night and I was so crushed in I demme near developed DVT. The others had set meals which meant that S and I had to wait ages for our food to arrive - between 7.30 and 9 I only got a couple of mouthfuls before my Singapore noodles arrived, and I scarfed them down in five minutes flat. Nope, I'll go there again but never as part of a large group.
I have just had my coffee and toast and (too sweet) whisky marmalade. It is dull-ish outside but it is definitely spring.
A whole lot o' clock-resetting goin' on.
I slept well enough. I tend at nights to grind the back of a hand into an eye socket of mash an ear and I always wake up feeling sort. Last night I manahed not to.
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Latest reply: Mar 31, 2013
Posted Mar 30, 2013
Miah is back home after four days in kennels hissing at the staff. She had to be persuaded to forgive us but is now fast asleep in the bed. S is out backie starting the Spring gardening and yes indeed it IS a spring day.
Mudshark Binge tonight and to pep things up we're going to have a will signing and witnessing.
I'm having Singapore noodles.
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Latest reply: Mar 30, 2013
Posted Mar 29, 2013
A drive to Scrabster. Ferry to Orkney. Two days then back today via Lands End, Dingwall, Strathpeffer, Inverness, Kemnay &c. SW has driven many hundreds of miles. Orkney is lovely - good for a feww days or the rest of your life but nothing in between. The next holiday may be a self-catering in the west coast.
Anent west coast, we listened to loads of Eagles in the car.
"The more I think about it, Old Billy was right
Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight."
Hotel California, ace. The Long Run, truly under-rated.
We also listened to loadsa late-70s Kinks.
Miah has been in kennels since Tuesday.
Our first holiday together in five years, and the last time was Orkney as well.
Dc,.m ;vbpugo43h=gnejfb xcnipjgh5ughnw[p
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Latest reply: Mar 29, 2013
Bird-cage played with toasting-forks
Posted Mar 21, 2013
If the guitar is a piano then the banjo is a harpsichord, making a ukulele a virginal.
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Latest reply: Mar 21, 2013
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