This is a Journal entry by DruglessBrain
DruglessBrain Started conversation Mar 29, 2013
A drive to Scrabster. Ferry to Orkney. Two days then back today via Lands End, Dingwall, Strathpeffer, Inverness, Kemnay &c. SW has driven many hundreds of miles. Orkney is lovely - good for a feww days or the rest of your life but nothing in between. The next holiday may be a self-catering in the west coast.
Anent west coast, we listened to loads of Eagles in the car.
"The more I think about it, Old Billy was right
Let's kill all the lawyers, kill 'em tonight."
Hotel California, ace. The Long Run, truly under-rated.
We also listened to loadsa late-70s Kinks.
Miah has been in kennels since Tuesday.
Our first holiday together in five years, and the last time was Orkney as well.
Dc,.m ;vbpugo43h=gnejfb xcnipjgh5ughnw[p
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