
Welcome to my personal space, a space of a person if you will. Although it could also be noted as a personal area yet to be filled. hmm anyhoo
i enjoy playing computer games, my fave few P.C ones happen to be
Startrek Armada, where i am known online as [AF]Cdt.Metroid [Ð] so you may see me.
Also on P.C i like playing Age of Empires, and AoE 2, but i only play AoE 1 online.

on my gamecube i enjoy playing Luigis Mansion, Smash Bros Melee, Rogue Leader, Phantasy Star Online, Wresltemania X8, Clone Wars, Star Fox adventures, Timesplitters 2 and Resident Evil Zero.

I also enjoy riding my bike, skiing sailing and canoeing.

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Welcome to H2G2 Aug 17, 2003


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Metroid 2k

Researcher U239156


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