This is the Message Centre for Detruitus

Hiya Tim

Post 301


Its not been a bad day sweetie smiley - smiley

smiley - erm yes 'lil old me' is ok, but her humour is way out of my league

I wont be on here after you've gone, got about 20 e.mails to reply to smiley - yikes

Hows your day been? smiley - hug

Hey! i thought i was phoning you tonight? smiley - kisssmiley - smooch

Hiya Tim

Post 302


..its not been too bad, despite an ear bashing (not really)..

OK call me when you get a chance.

smiley - smooch

Hiya Tim

Post 303


smiley - bigeyes ear bashing? oh what you been up too eh? smiley - laugh

I'll call about 7 ish, is that ok? ? smiley - kiss

Hiya Tim

Post 304


Been upto nothing, just my working collegesmiley - biggrin

Can you make it a bit later, it's just I'll probably be on the train then.


Hiya Tim

Post 305


Oooh you can tell me all about it later

Ok no worries i'll make it later smiley - biggrin

Hiya Tim

Post 306


Morning sweetheart smiley - kiss
Have a good day, speak to you later smiley - biggrin
smiley - cuddle

Hiya Tim

Post 307


Hi darling
how are you smiley - kiss
Good day I hope. smiley - cuddle

Hiya Tim

Post 308


'ello smiley - biggrin
Its been quite busy today, the rain has'nt let up once all day though smiley - erm

Hows your day been? smiley - kiss
smiley - cuddle

Hiya Tim

Post 309


Not too bad, only a few minutes left. But if I see another CD label I'll go madsmiley - smiley

Hiya Tim

Post 310


hehehe so you were chief labeler yoday eh! smiley - laugh
Keeps you out of mischief! smiley - rofl

smiley - hug

Hiya Tim

Post 311


I didn't quite look at it like that.
Off home now, call you later
smiley - kisssmiley - hug

Hiya Tim

Post 312


Ok smiley - kiss

Hiya Tim

Post 313


Ola que tal smiley - kiss

Hiya Tim

Post 314


Bonjour mon ami

smiley - smooch

Hiya Tim

Post 315


Benos tardis smiley - cuddle

Was that you on Tanzens threadsmiley - biggrin, looks like we have another 'lil ol me' smiley - rofl

Hiya Tim

Post 316


smiley - bigeyes no it was'nt me smiley - sadface
If it had been me i would have posted under this name smiley - sadface

Do we need another 'lil old me! smiley - laugh

Hiya Tim

Post 317


No smiley - smiley I was only joking, but the weirdo's seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Come to think of it, I do think the structure was very sound before.smiley - rofl

Big smiley - kiss

Hiya Tim

Post 318


smiley - laugh i know you were only joking.. hmmmmm maybe the loss of digibox users have bought the weirdos to the fore smiley - biggrin

BIG smiley - cuddle

Hiya Tim

Post 319


Going for my break. Speak to in the morning.

smiley - cuddle

Hiya Tim

Post 320


smiley - bigeyes

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