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Hiya Tim

Post 1


just thought i'd come and see if you've done anything to your space yet....smiley - erm i can see not!! smiley - laugh

I know its been ages, but did you have a good time in spain? smiley - smiley

Hiya Tim

Post 2


Hi Jen

thanks for calling, sorry I haven't done anything more on the space, but I'm on nights next week, so I'll make an effort. Promise.

Spain was OK, but a bit of a long time on my own, trying to be inventive, when I didn't really have the enthusiasm. (Told you, you should of sneaked into my suitcase)

Hows the gardening centre.
Keep in touch. Cheers

Hiya Tim

Post 3


Aaaawww thats a shame about spain smiley - time give me a bit of notice eh!! smiley - laugh

The garden centre is buzzing at the moment, what with xmas trees, decs n stuff. It won't go quiet till after new year now!!

Hows it going at the beeb?
I don't envy you doing nights, is it me or does the night shift seem longer than the day shift!!..Its been years since i did late shifts.

Right time i went to smiley - zzz not been in long, it was the works xmas do tonight smiley - smiley

Catch ya later Tim
byeeee smiley - smiley

Hiya Tim

Post 4


smiley - crackersmiley - mistletoesmiley - cracker
smiley - hollyANDsmiley - holly
smiley - crackersmiley - mistletoesmiley - cracker

Have a great time smiley - bubbly
jen xx

Hiya Tim

Post 5


smiley - santasmiley - snowmansmiley - crackersmiley - mistletoe

Happy Christmas to you Jen
Have a good New Year

Thanks for the message - its cheered me up no end

smiley - crackersmiley - hollysmiley - santa

smiley - mistletoesmiley - mistletoe

Hiya Tim

Post 6


Hey! i'm glad i've cheered you up! smiley - biggrin
and your more than welcome smiley - smiley
smiley - bubbly

Hiya Tim

Post 7


Speak to you later. Thanks


Hiya Tim

Post 8


Ok hun smiley - smiley

Hiya Tim

Post 9


Hi Jen

So what are you doing for smiley - holly Xmas? Hope you're not working too much. I've got 24th, 26th & 27th, which isn't too bad- but then again I only get bored.
Once again that's for staying in touch.
Talk later. smiley - mistletoe


Hiya Tim

Post 10


I'm going to my daughters for two days smiley - yikes
I'm off work from the 23rd to the 28th (my birthday smiley - sadface)
Are you doing anything for xmas?
I've read your space...small world i know Twickenham well...was even going to move there smiley - sadface

Hiya Tim

Post 11


I don't think I'll be doing alot, but my brother only lives down the road, and normally has the family Xmas day evening, so nieces & nephews around. Which should be good. Now old is your daughter?

Just in case I don't catch up - happy birthday smiley - cheerssmiley - hug


Hiya Tim

Post 12


She's 25 yrs and has two children 7 & 4...which makes me....ahem! well i don't need to say it smiley - erm

Thanks for the birthday wishes smiley - smiley another year older! smiley - erm

Hiya Tim

Post 13


Are you ok? smiley - erm

Hiya Tim

Post 14


Yes I'm fine honestly, still smarting from ex- but I should of learnt my lesson by now. Words like fish and sea spring to mind, but I'll cheer up, next time I talk.
Thanks anyway.
smiley - hug

Hiya Tim

Post 15


I'm sorry to hear that smiley - sadface
Been there,, done that etc! Had my world torn to shreads this year and thought i'd never get over it....6 months down the line...and i've finally got there smiley - smiley
I'm sure you've heard it all before though.
Time is a great healer.
You know you can always rant, rave and moan to me, i'm pretty thick skinned nowadays smiley - smiley
Take care smiley - hug

Hiya Tim

Post 16


Hiya Jen smiley - mistletoe

I thought you were going to your daughters?


Hiya Tim

Post 17


Hi Tim smiley - smiley
I am this afternoon, rushing around like a headless on at the mo smiley - yikes Time for a cuppasmiley - tea me thinks
Hows you today?

Hiya Tim

Post 18


I'm fine ta.
I'll be glad when its over, but I'll probably treat myself to a small glass of something, when I finish work. (and maybe a couple after that)

Have a really good Christmas and don't get to sober.

smiley - hugsmiley - hug

smiley - mistletoe


Hiya Tim

Post 19


Your not alone there wishing it was over, me too smiley - erm its not my favourite time of year r smiley - sadface
I don't drink, might have a smiley - bubbly tomorrow but that'll be all....i have other ways of chilling smiley - biggrin
Have a legless xmas and a drunk new year smiley - laugh
smiley - hugsmiley - mistletoesmiley - kiss

Hiya Tim

Post 20


Hi Jen
are you home already?

Hope you've had a good Xmas

smiley - love

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