This is the Message Centre for Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...)
Hey there, and Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
J Started conversation Nov 4, 2005
Hello, I'm your friendly local <./>ACE</.> (Which stands for assistant community editor) the welcoming commitee for h2g2. So, <./>Welcome</.>!
I'm a real person, not a machine, so I can help you and if you find that you have a question. For instance, if you want to know what to do with a piece of writing you've just cooked up, I'd be happy to help you with that. No question is too big or too small.
As you have probably discovered, there are lots of things to do on h2g2. Try clicking on some of the links below to find your way around .
Some of the slang thrown around the forums of this site can be rather confusing, but it's all defined at A754490
If you need a general introduction, you can find it at <./>Dontpanic-tour</.> and A719840
Browse the Edited Guide at C889. The Edited Guide is for non-fiction entries, which must fit into the Writing-Guidelines. That isn't to say they're boring though. There's a lot of humor in them and many of the entries are very interesting. Newer entries can be found on the <./>FrontPage</.> and at the <./>month</.> page.
If you want to help further our dream of a strong, interesting Guide by writing such an entry, please read over the Writing-Guidelines. We're working to build a guide to Life the Universe and Everything - at least the bits that aren't about Casper
. When you're ready to submit an entry, let me know and I'll help you to the best of my abilities.
If fiction or general creative writing are your field, then you'll find yourself at home at the h2g2 Alternative Writing Workshop - <./>RF5</.>. The h2g2 <./>UnderGuide</.> and other groups collect quality entries from there to show them to the world.
Another good place for the reading and writing of creative works is <./>ThePost</.>
If you have any questions, just click 'Reply' and I'll do my best to help you I'm fairly experienced around these parts, so there's a pretty good chance that I will at least be able to answer a question or ask someone 'in the know'. I hope, anyway.
Lastly, remember that the most important thing is to enjoy yourself.
Hey there, and Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...) Posted Nov 5, 2005
Thanks for the welcome!
I'm still mostly in the amazed browsing stage, though I've entered a couple of conversations. Someone I work with has also just joined, so we're kind of feeding off each other's ideas.
He continues to insist that it's not all about me, though, proclaiming that the universe is centred on him...
Anyway, back to the Infinite Improbability Drive!
Casper the
Hey there, and Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
J Posted Nov 5, 2005
How silly. The Universe, of course, is infinite, but revolves around a giant sheep.
If you have any problems or troubles... I'm here.
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Hey there, and Welcome to h2g2 from your ACE!
More Conversations for Casper, the friendly spirity-type-entity from Scotland (though currently elsewhere...)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."