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quick, here's how to find me!

pin et al: [email protected]

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2005

Ripples in the eye

wordless, wandering, waveless sea
soundless speaking, endless be
i spent my days wandering there...
i left my footprints in the air

faces shell-like, sounding smiles
laughing tears, walking miles
i kicked the earth to see it fly,
hit a whisper passing by

black reflections, sunken fears
sights and sounds from fallen years
torn desires, agony stirred
long i listened, this i heard

and just when i'd turned to go,
a laugh did leap and catch me so,
mountain light, music free
drinking kiss, crashing sea

"Here's another - i drink to thee!"
i sought you,
found me

broken winds, passions still,
i can never really drink my fill
flower child, wait awhile,
will come again to see you smile...

Author's Note: Does anybody understand this?

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2003

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