This is the Message Centre for dancingbuddha

Poets Corner

Post 1


Hi. We haven't heard from you in a while over at The Circle. I popped by to let you know that I finally got around to starting a conversation in the Library where we can share our poetry and talk about it. I hope you'll find time to drop by. smiley - smiley


Poets Corner

Post 2



Nice to hear from you smiley - biggrin

I've been pretty with admissions to univ (heading off to GeorgiaTech, Atlanta for a Masters), and been overloaded with stuff at work, so i guess i'll be busy for a while yet...

Personally, i don't find anything in my poetry to talk about: i write because i want to express, and i don't really care whether someone likes, hates, understands, misunderstands or even reads it. But feel free to carry on about what i write if you want, i'll try to clear things up if you want to know more...

Take care,
smiley - hug

-- db

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