Journal Entries

Happy birthday to me!

Well, actually, tomorrow's my birthday. I'm going to Ohio to visit my grandmother tomorrow, though, so we're celebrating early .... smiley - cool Wish me luck with my presents! Oh, and I prob'ly won't be posting from Ohio, so seey'all next week.

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2003

I'm kind of curious ....

About exactly how unusual my family is. I have a 29-year-old half sister who got married three weeks ago. Last night I spent the night at her and her husband's house and helped them (actually, helped her, since he had to sleep) move various heavy things to their basement.

That's not what makes me wonder.

My sister and I worked until 3 AM, then we stayed up until 5 AM discussing a combination of things including theories about mental illness, opinions about oppression (sp?) of women, senile cats, strength of our wrists (respectively) and more I can't remember because, well, it was 5 AM. Is this unusual? And what I really wonder -- is it unusual for your sister (note she's almost twice my age) to want to take you girl hunting? Not that I'm complaining. smiley - cool

-Euphoric even after moving furniture all day

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 2003

It must be horrible to be my parents ....

My birthday's in five days and I didn't really want anything but money.. My parents kept asking me for a wishlist. So .... today .... I went to my second favourite site ( and made a wishlist. Going there was a mistake. My wishlist now amounts to well over $1000 and has few items below $100 (I don't know how to convert to pounds, so sorry .... smiley - tongueout). Wish my parents (and me) luck (and money)!

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Latest reply: Aug 23, 2003


I think I may have OCD. I'm obsessed with making sure there are no replies to which I haven't replied, I'm compelled to reply to any replies to which I haven't replied, and no one who's ever seen my room or my hard drive could claim I had any kind of order.

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2003


There are many things I'll never understand ....

.... And they're all women.

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2003

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Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

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