This is a Journal entry by Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

I'm kind of curious ....

Post 1

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

About exactly how unusual my family is. I have a 29-year-old half sister who got married three weeks ago. Last night I spent the night at her and her husband's house and helped them (actually, helped her, since he had to sleep) move various heavy things to their basement.

That's not what makes me wonder.

My sister and I worked until 3 AM, then we stayed up until 5 AM discussing a combination of things including theories about mental illness, opinions about oppression (sp?) of women, senile cats, strength of our wrists (respectively) and more I can't remember because, well, it was 5 AM. Is this unusual? And what I really wonder -- is it unusual for your sister (note she's almost twice my age) to want to take you girl hunting? Not that I'm complaining. smiley - cool

-Euphoric even after moving furniture all day

I'm kind of curious ....

Post 2


yes.smiley - biggrin

I'm kind of curious ....

Post 3


But it seems as though you have a rather strong family relationship with her, which is something that not many can enjoy. So be happy about that. Those are some pretty interesting conversation topics. Many siblings don't make it past hi, how are you, pass the salt... which is a saddening thing indeed. As far as girl hunting is concernedsmiley - diva, I wouldn't know, I have no older siblings, and have never been asked to go girl hunting by my ten year old sister, thank God.

smiley - cool

I'm kind of curious ....

Post 4

Euphoric One - I can bend minds with my spoon

Just think, dude -- at some point you can take your sister boyhunting! *shudder*

Well, thanks for enlightening me. Personally, my two oldest siblings are my favourite; my other brother hates me and I don't really like him, though he can be cool at times. My oldest brother is pretty cool, too, but he's a lot smarter than I am and spends too much time thinking about math for me to talk to him much, so usually I talk to his wife instead. I like my sister a lot, she's basically the female and 29-year-old version of me.

Wish me luck hunting girls, do you know what the legal limit is?


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