This is the Message Centre for HeavensAngel

a very warm welcome to h2g2

Post 1

Star Fleet...

hello heavenssmiley - angel welcome to h2g2smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly im your Ace(assistant community editor) its my job to welcome and guide you around this wonderful site they call h2g2 smiley - biggrin so why not put your smiley - footprints up have a nice cuppa smiley - tea and i'll show you some great places to visit smiley - smiley

the 1st place to go if your're using a digibox(set top box) is here (just click on the number) A948602

if you need any advice and tips a great place is h2g2's advice page for LDer's smiley - smileyA1027171

another great place to go is I'm new what do i do now ?? A868098

yuou might have noticed the smileys like these smiley - smileysmiley - biggrinsmiley - pony if you want to put them on your page no problem just visit here A690518

fancy a glass of smiley - bubbly then why not visit the Folders arms A913150

well heavenssmiley - angel i hope these places will help you along the way smiley - smiley if you have any questions then just click on "write a reply" and i'll do my very best to help smiley - smiley

Star Fleet Ace
smiley - zen

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a very warm welcome to h2g2

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