This is the Message Centre for LittleMissAlexandriaNicolaHassett

hi alex

Post 321


well telepest and its craptivemail and poome 2 are all rubbish

hi alex

Post 322



how long have you had tw? used to be brill when i 1st got it, just over 3 years ago i think nearly 4, things worked and didnt freeze, im not forgetting about 6050 and all that, it just didnt happen as often, 6050 is still with us, just goes by a different name nowadays, much like some researchers on here lol
as for smiley - bleep yoome how they have the audacity to charge for that pile of smiley - bleep ill never understand, less of course somebody in tw hq has got 1 hell of a warped mind!

must check my lotto tickets for sat, you never know i might have won enough to smiley - bleep tw off smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

hi alex

Post 323


only 2 years

hi alex

Post 324



i think the blundering smiley - bleep idiots ahem i mean engineers at tw had already interfered with LD a dozen times over by then, even email and interactive worked once, and a lot of the games were free, (its a smiley - bleep though cos i didnt realise some of them were free until just before they started charging us for all of them! lol)

smiley - fullmoon

hi alex

Post 325


on yoome2 i got warned twice 2day for my username which was trnssexualgirl

hi alex

Post 326



yoome is smiley - bleep why pay for crap? this is free lol IM JOKING ffs you have a pc now, go in some decent chatrooms, pull your finger out and get on the search engine for like minded peoples rooms to chat in or something

wtf? phones just rang! im thinking what smiley - bleep would ring at this time of night! but erm that was my alarm call time to get up pmsl oh smiley - bleep nevermind had a decent nights kip earlier

smiley - fullmoon

hi alex

Post 327


its coz i missed my friencs its only 4.99

hi alex

Post 328



well theres 1 good thing they didnt put the prices up for that pile of smiley - bleep YET but your friends can come on here, if you all protested and boycotted that sorry excuse for a heap of smiley - bleep then yoome would be forced to make improvements! do you know how little it costs to run a very basic chat forum per month on the internet? yoome has that cost covered by 1 customer! nevermind the few that use it, staffing it with dummy hosts (oh thats not the only site is it? smiley - whistle lol), cost a few £ more obviously but they only have 3, now just think how much money you and your friends are lining those greedy sad smiley - bleep with and know that they are smiley - laugh at all of you for being mug enough to pay for it, but full credit to them if id of thought of it id be doing it cos theres enough idiots out there who will pay and once you got them all hooked on it cos their pals are on it, you sting and charge whatever the smiley - bleep you like, obviously they have good business brains but theyre still a set of smiley - bleep though unfortunately i dont know of anything like a trading standards for the internet mores the pity so they have you by the smiley - footballsmiley - football ok lol maybe in your case by the pig tails smiley - biggrin

smiley - fullmoon

hi alex

Post 329



hi alex

Post 330


Hello Everyone smiley - smiley
How are you all?

hi alex

Post 331


im fione

hi alex

Post 332


smiley - ok

hi alex

Post 333



i thought your 'im a lady' name was Alexandria? you saying you wish to be known as 'Fione' now? smiley - winkeye lol

smiley - fullmoon

hi alex

Post 334


he he im sure it was a typo

andysmiley - bat

hi alex

Post 335


Andy we must stop meeting each other like this ppl will think were magnets smiley - biggrin

hi alex

Post 336


smiley - blush you sure your not following me

andysmiley - bat

hi alex

Post 337


Tut.. Tut..smiley - smileyI wouldn't follow you smiley - tongueout sweetheart lol

hi alex

Post 338


hmm i think you would lol

hi alex

Post 339


Andysmiley - tongueout

hi alex

Post 340


what ??????????

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