This is the Message Centre for Famous_Fi
what ho!
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Started conversation Sep 9, 2006
was browsing through the who's online and thought I would try to find out what you were famous for. Nothing on the page so I am simply following orders.
Best regards
what ho!
Famous_Fi Posted Sep 12, 2006
If you have to ask then it 'ain't working
Lovely to meet you. Pull up a chair and lets have a gab over a cold one
what ho!
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Sep 12, 2006
so this famous thing? Are you some kind of abbreviated famous five? has the dog gone missing?
or are you simply famous and called fi?
what ho!
Goat_Starer AKA Das Boot Posted Sep 14, 2006
oh same old same old Fed up with my job, surrounded by incompetent fools, tired, ill.... all very positive
It is what comes of having a job making a grim northern town a better place to live.
still it could all be worse.
what ho!
Famous_Fi Posted Sep 15, 2006
surrounded by incompetent fools.....isn't that just the worst thing about work.
what grim old northern town are we talking about? and how do you make it better? It sounds very interesting. but then all i do at the mo is wipe dribbly chins and change nappies
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what ho!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."