This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
Of course darts is a sport!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Apr 1, 2014
As is pool, snooker, etc.
ello! how goes it? seems ages since we last chatted... and gosh.... an absolute age since we were like last in the same pub, at the same time, with a beer... I trust all is well with you?
Just thought I'd pop by and say hello, as I was perusing by and through various things
Of course darts is a sport!
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Apr 1, 2014
Well, good morning yourself, your Ladyship. And congratulations are in order, I believe.
And yes, it has been a while.
Unfortunately you couldn't make the last Meet, but maybe I should plan a Mini-meet sometime in the not too distant.
Life plods on. Doesn't change much. Still awaiting ATOS to give me a date for assessment, 11 months on. So far they owe me £1,410 in lost income due to changing from JSA to ESA. Only benefit is I get a good lump sum if they agree it, which they should.
Seen your Twits. Not twittered myself much but guess I should do.
Stay well, and stay in touch.
Of course darts is a sport!
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 2, 2014
OO... I didn't even realise you were on twitter... I may or may not be folliwing you!
The benifit thing is always a minefield; I'm not entitieled to JSA, or ESA, as far as I can tell; but I'm on some ancient old benifit, which hasn't existed for like a decade or so, but, because I was* on it, before a certain point in time, I seem to continue getting it
It won't matter much soon anyhow; once William and I are living together, etc., I'll lose out on any weekly JSA/ESA type thing, but, at least for the time being until it changes, yet again, I'll get my DSA...
I understand you too have found a so-called 'significent-other... It does... change things doesn't it... trust me... I really wasn't 'looking'.... then... I found William...
(and yeh... nah, I really* didn't think I were that kinda settle down... and all that 'stuff' sort of person... but apprently.... I might be...!)
I should be at the meet in Manchester, failing utter failure of the transport system not sure if your destined for that or not
if not... I'm sure a London mini-meet is well over-due
: might even coax Roymondo/dave out of retirement to attend; I've not seen him in ages and ages too, either
I might have to pick your brain at some point... re, recipies... and currys... and also birds; feathered sort mind... I seem to recall you know about such feathered creatures...; I'm trying* to get 'good' at recognising bird call/song... just common ones... but, I know* I should* be better than I am... but really, I'm so naff and can only recognise a few
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Of course darts is a sport!
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