This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
Reims Meet report (message to all participants)
Superfrenchie Started conversation Jun 19, 2013
I have written a draft of the Meet report, would you like to read it and tell me what you think?
Here it is : A87799333
Thank you.
Reims Meet report (message to all participants)
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jun 20, 2013
Well done, SuperFrenchie. A great write-up.
Here are a few ( ) grammatical suggestions, with a few suggested corrections. Otherwise very well done.
Her train landed at Reims TGV station
Her train arrived at Reims TGV station
where the owner proceeded to point out on a map all the interesting restaurants
where the owner proceeded to point out, on a map, all the interesting restaurants
MMF was next in order of arrival, and they all met up and waited for the others. Those arrived later on,
MMF was next to arrive and, meeting up with SuperFrenchie and Wandrin Star, waited for the others to arrive. And they did,
Ony one of them turned up
Only one of them turned up
Some went back to their hotel for a minute, the others wandered around the town centre.
Some wandered around the town centre while others returned to their hotel to drop items off, before all meeting at the car park.
they had all arrived to Taittinger Champagne house
they had all arrived at the renowned Taittinger Champagne house
A short film was showed
A short film was shown
The tour was commented by a young lady.
The tour was conducted by a young English lady
drank in case anyone tried to snatch it from their hands.
maybe adding that the English-speaking friend kindly took a group photo, including Flat Abby (who didn’t drink)
They first went
On arrival, they went
all those groups made their way to the Cathedral itself, and had a good look at it
everyone made their way to the Cathedral and had a brisk look around before it closed, while MMF waited at a café for their return.
Dinner took place at L'Apostrophe, where everyone had a good time, with good food and drink
From there they retired to L’Apostrophe for a leisurely evening of good food, drink and friendly banter.
Everyone went their separate ways after a nightcap.
After a nightcap, everyone went their separate ways.
When dinner-time came, only TRiG, DragonQueen and Superfrenchie were still around to welcome it, once more sitting together around a table with food and drink.
By evening, only TRiG, DragonQueen and SuperFrenchie remained and, once more found themselves sat at a table together, with more food and drink.
Apart from the Thursday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous all week-end, so gorgeous in fact, that several Researchers sustained sunburns on the Sunday.
Apart from the Thursday, the weather was absolutely gorgeous all week-end, so gorgeous in fact, that most of the weekend was spent outdoors, dining and drinking al-fresco, and several Researchers sustained sunburn on the Sunday.
All researchers commented on how good a weekend it was, and how well planned.
Reims Meet report (message to all participants)
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Jun 20, 2013
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Reims Meet report (message to all participants)
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