This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Nature's Miracle Babies

Post 1

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I don't know if you've caught this series on BBC1 but it's been great, I can highly recommend itsmiley - wow
This weekend it was the last onesmiley - wah but it included a macaw that is so rare it's extinct in the wild, and the place where they were raising a chick had the only ones in captivity. You'd be drooling, watching it. Catch all of it on iPlayer NOW or treat yourself to the DVD when it comes out, you won't be sorrysmiley - ok

smiley - smooch

Nature's Miracle Babies

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Tony Juniper, Director of Friends of the Earth and Editor of the National Geographical Green Magazine, wrote an excellent book on the Spix' macaw, which explained it's extinction in the wild, the major difficulty of getting the people who own the ones in captivity, to agree to loan them for a captive breeding programme, and why blue macaws are so highly valued.

Well worth reading, if you can get your hands on a copy.

Spix's Macaw - The race to save the World's rarest bird.
ISBN-10: 0743475518

I loved it. Shame it was such a depressing subject.

smiley - sadface


smiley - musicalnote

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