This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
Elephant Hunting
Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee Started conversation Sep 27, 2011
If (as I'm infering) you intend drinking Carlsberg Elephant in Copenhagen...also look out for Svaneka Staut (stout) which I discovered the other week.
There's plenty of good beers there, mind. The only one I don't like so much is Christiania beer, which is a bit too sour and hoppy to wash down...but let's not go into that.
Elephant Hunting
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Sep 27, 2011
Been, and returned, twice, but thanks for the suggestions.
I have two cans of Elephant. One to drink, and one to save.
Elephant Hunting
Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee Posted Sep 28, 2011
I was there week before last. I always try to divert on may way to Gothenburg.
One time I was riding around on my Citybike. It was hot, and since it was about 11.30 I decided it was a reasonable time for a beer. I popped into a convenience store, chose themost interesting looking bottle, got them to open it for me, went outside and took a swig.
It was very nice.
Have you checked out Christiania? Best described as...interesting.
This time, at Kastrup, I discovered why Danish pastries are world renowned. Cinammon buns to *die* for!
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Elephant Hunting
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