This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors


I'm reading through your entry on the Ruddy Shelduck, and I have a question about the opening line.

'Tadorna ferruginea. This family is composed of a large number of goose-like waterfowl, recognised as semi-terrestrial long-necked birds.'

Is 'Tadorna ferruginea' the Latin name for the Ruddy Shelduck?
Or is it 'Tanorna' which refers to the family (Shelduck) and 'ferruginea'
which refers to the particular bird (Ruddy)?

The list below only goes down as far as 'Tadorna' - should there be an extra layer for 'ferruginea'?

Kingdom: Animalia.
Phylum: Chordata.
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata.
Class: Aves.
Order: Anseriformes.
Family: Anatidae.
Sub-Family: Tadorninae.
Genus: Tadorna.

I have left this message for Skankyrich as well.

Thanks, smiley - smiley

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Tadorna is the family name for shelduck, whereas ferruginea is the specific name for the ruddy shelduck.

It would translate as 'shelduck which is ferruginous'.

I hadn't realised how it read...

I guess it should read:

Tadorna ferruginea is a member of the Tadorna family which is composed of a large number of goose-like waterfowl, recognised as semi-terrestrial long-necked birds.

I hope that reads a little better.



smiley - musicalnote

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

I thought I'd best reply to the other bit here smiley - smiley

The 'extra layer' would be the species name, which is 'Tadorna ferruginea' - it's not really necessary. We're basically listing the classification of Tadorna ferruginea. Adding a line saying 'Species: Tadorna ferruginea' would be a bit like writing a CV with your name in big letters at the top, putting down all your personal information and then having a line at the bottom saying 'Name: h2g2Editors' smiley - smiley

Hope this helps smiley - ok

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 4

The H2G2 Editors

Thanks very much you two ornithologists - if in doubt, I always like to ask! smiley - ok
I've been reading the Peer Review for this Entry and also the subbing thread, and was very impressed with the amount you knew. The ruddy shelduck is a very attractive bird, I know it's not very common, but I will certainly be keeping my eyes peeled for a sighting!

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 5

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

You are more than welcome.

Wait until I let rip on the UP of 'Birds of the British Isles.'

Only 543 to write about... Done 14 so far! smiley - winkeye


smiley - musicalnote

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 6

The H2G2 Editors

Wow - good luck! I'll look forward to reading them as they get submitted...smiley - wow

Ruddy Shelduck

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Parrots first!

2008 will be busy!


smiley - musicalnote

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