This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

How's tricks?

Post 1


Just wondering.

Fancy a wander round Kew sometime soon? Or the Wetlands? Or somewhere else?

How's tricks?

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Teuchter,

Lovely of you to pop by. Life is slowly improving, but it is a slow process. Been there before, so I know what is ahead... But I'll bounce back. Justa pretty deep one this time. Hey ho!!!

I received your e-mail but haven't had a chance to reply yet, as I am busily ironing.

I'm off at the weekend, and have'nt worked out a plan but a day out would be good...

smiley - 2cents are tight, but happy to meet up somewhere. Kew is good at present with a big Mediterranean festival taking place, and I haven't been to the Wetlands for ages, and happy to go to either, and of course I can get us both free entry.

If you fancy it, let me know.

Alternatively I am on a weeks holiday from the 24th of June to the 29th.

I leave it to you as to where and when.

smiley - cheers


smiley - musicalnote

How's tricks?

Post 3


e-mail wending its way through the ether smiley - ok

How's tricks?

Post 4


smiley - ok See you then, then.

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