This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
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Perhaps a little favour ???
The Reverend Something or Other Posted Jul 16, 2004
Found the mail problem at my end. The primary address, njkeip @ sympatico dot ca is good for 5 MB, any secondaries are only good for 3 MB, which includes the nick dot j dot keip @ sympatico dot ca
So, if you do care to send again, either send all to the primary, or maybe half to each. Sorry for these nuisances.
Perhaps a little favour ???
Rev Nick Posted Aug 19, 2010
I knew there was a line, from ages gone by.
You may have heard that I have been allowed a return. And I know that you are a particularly good friend of the Lady Prezident, who is also a very close friend of mine. By e-mails, snail-mails, wires galore, and telephone. So I hope that you don't mind that I have added you to my new and improving friends list. Many are from previous days, a number are from more current times.
Cheers, mate
Perhaps a little favour ???
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Aug 19, 2010
No probs, as long as you behave yourself!
I don't harbour (or should that be harbor?) grudges, and I wasn't affected, so I have 'no worries'!
*You must have been a trawlerman in the past to find that link!!! *
Perhaps a little favour ???
Rev Nick Posted Aug 19, 2010
We good Canucks use the proper British spelling of pretty much all words. So we have lots of 'ou' here and there. And I don't know how or why, but any number of people can recognize me by my choice of words, ... and so can I. So a browse of your older messages, and there it was.
Perhaps a little favour ???
Rev Nick Posted Aug 20, 2010
While it was brief (well, less long than some days) my phone chat with Venus said that she and you had a fine day of Kew. That should be another several CDs of photos in the Christmas mailings.
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Perhaps a little favour ???
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