This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
It must be deja vooey!!
~:*-Venus-*:~ Started conversation Apr 29, 2007
We we only talking about Blackcaps yesterday and today i saw my first one ever I was sat by my pond just relaxing and you do
I heard this chattering, it was a constant chattering i had'nt heard before. At first i could'nt see anything in the low branches of the trees, even though they were rustling. Evenutally all was revealed, a small bird greyish brown in colour with a distinctive black cap, sat on a bare branch and was singing for all it was worth. It then moved on up the garden through the trees, but i could hear it for ages.
Funny the kind of things that make a day special
It must be deja vooey!!
MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship. Posted Apr 29, 2007
I am so pleased for you! And how spooky is that?
Thanks again for your company yesterday, and for knowing the difference between the triffids in the gardens.
It was shame you couldn't make the evenin g, as it was good, but was mainly composed of the Kewers!
At least a good day was had by all.
Thanks again!
It must be deja vooey!!
~:*-Venus-*:~ Posted May 1, 2007
That little bird came back yesterday. Obviously the pickings in the Hawthorn trees are to it's liking.
So, maybe we should talk about parrots for the while and one of those will appear in my garden
If ever you fancy a trip to Chelmsford, you would be more than welcome Theres no nice gardens to visit or much of anything else really, but if you fancy a change of scenery give me a call
It must be deja vooey!!
~:*-Venus-*:~ Posted May 27, 2007
It looks like the little Blackcap has finally moved on It probably went searching for a mate, i do hope it found one
Hows things with you now? Are you feeling ant better?
It must be deja vooey!!
websailor Posted May 28, 2007
I had a pair of blackcaps late winter time (I think, without checking records!) and they seemed very keen on peanut cake with Insects, coming several times a day and gorging on the stuff, but then they disappeared! We haven't seen them for ages.
Lucky you to have them this time of year.
It must be deja vooey!!
~:*-Venus-*:~ Posted May 29, 2007
There was only a male that i could see Websailor. He was a very cute little bird. It's sad that he's gone now, but maybe next year he will come back.
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It must be deja vooey!!
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