This is the Message Centre for MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.
Just to let you know.........
tsarina Started conversation Dec 9, 2005
Hi there!
I may not be around for a while cos the night shift in work is being relocated to Dublin and I have to transfer to another dept on day shifts or take redundancy. The favoured option is to transfer but it will mean retraining and that won't happen until January so may well be on extended paid leave as from next week which means I won't be online unless I can get my home pc up and running again!
I'll still be coming to London in January (as far as I know) so perhaps you could let me know details by Email.....I can borrow my daughter's b/f's computer from time to time. My Email address is [email protected] in case you've mislaid it!
I hope to be back asap cos I'll miss you all and the telegram game
Take care and hopefully see you in January
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Just to let you know.........
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