Journal Entries

Well that's it...

Yet one other company that I've given the kiss of doom to..

Am I happy ? Guess...

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Latest reply: Dec 11, 2003


smiley - cheerupIt's time to move house (again).

Being nearly a year wed (HUZZAH). And since I've been and gone and done it before (selling and buying house) - IT'S HER EDUCATION NOW !

Part of my my chosen path was meeting up with and marrying the dear. Totally selfishly thinking "I'm inheriting her offspring. All ready made and of age to find a good job and look after me in my dotage". HA !

First thing her eldest did was make me a grandparent....

I'm learning to love the little 'Trumpette' dearly. The baby smell (that lingers) is making it difficult to find a buyer for the flat.

All being well, we're moved on the 19th and I'll delete this total plaintive, maudling, perhaps even senile, meandering around then.

This was a test broadcast of 'The Journal" ! smiley - cheerup

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Latest reply: Sep 9, 2003

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