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Post 21


Yeah I looked at the marquee last night and was telling Martin about it.. it sure looks easy enough in theory.. and I might have a go but i'll need to look at my work to see if its worked or not lol.. I was gonna try and do some things on computer today but it was a no goer.. too much work and that was in both jobs (just my luck) wanted to get my guestbook up and running smiley - sadface but maybe with a bit of luck i'll get a chance tomorrow..
I'm really enjoying this tho much better than yoome2 lol... chat soon Sam smiley - cat


Post 22




Post 23

thinkin of a name

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Post 24

thinkin of a name

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hi Velvyn

Post 25


well hello there darlinks,,how`s u.finaly found someone i know in this place,lol,hehelp,,me is is totaly lost,t,:0)

hi clueless .. lol

Post 26


so u finally got sumwhere .. ur doin better than i did at 1st took me wks 2 get as far as i hav...
tryin 2 work out the gml code is mind numbin .. lol
so howz u????


Post 27


Hi hun how are you hope you can make it through to me in 2 weeks . was fri night any good because you can never tell with women ,,,lol


Post 28


hi velvyn hows u.thats brill wot uve done lookin at it from tv it looks gr8t ile have a look from pc l8ers once again thanx chat soon mark mwah xxxxxxxx


Post 29


hi Mark .. i'm gr8 thanx ..
glad u liked it .. hope it helps u get 2 grips wiv this .. n mayb giv u a few ideas of what u can do wiv this ..
howz u??? howz the job huntin goin???
speak 2 u soon
Velvyn xxx


Post 30


so whats unique about u then?

I Am

Post 31


hi sorry ive not replyed sooner not been on here 4 a long in wolverhampton and were is u.r u m or f bye 4now

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