This is the Message Centre for unique

I Am

Post 1

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

Well I'm out here if that's what you're talking about. Where are you?
smiley - coffeesmiley - pirate

i'm lost

Post 2


thanx for sendin me post ... i dont know where i am i'm lost in h2g2 land sumwhere .. cant find my way about

i'm lost

Post 3

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

what you lookin' for? maybe I could point or...dunno...smiley - smiley

i'm lost

Post 4


how 2 use this n set up my space .. i just keep runnin round in circles ..lmao

i'm lost

Post 5

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

to set up personal space you can click on edit this entry in the right hand column in your personal space. I dunno what imao is (sorry). What color is your screen?

i'm lost

Post 6


lmao = laffin my ass off...
i'm usin digital tv link so i'm hav 2 use plain skin ... i'v noticed that others hav got pictures in their space .. but cant work out how 2 get them on mine ..

i'm lost

Post 7

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

ok there are two ways to compose. Plain text and guide ml. to use guide ml you have to learn it, probably best done in the workshop. Then once you are able you can add the pictures from the pic library. Have you talked with any ACEs or anyone? They are usually incredibly nice and know a lot more than I do. To talk to one of them I suggest going to who's online and finding one then posting to their PS by clicking on their name. Does this make any sense? Looks like Jodan is the only one I saw online right now. But don't worry, they'll come to you eventually too! smiley - cheers

I Am

Post 8


i'm in Scotland
its ok i think i found pictures just tryin 2 work out how 2 get them on2 my space ..

I Am

Post 9

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

Well good luck to you. I wish I was in Scotland. Although I think my husband would protest. Have a nice trip, and stop by and say hi if you feel like it. smiley - towel

I Am

Post 10


its kinda cold here at mo .. thank fully not rainin ..
i'll let u know how i get on
is it ok 2 add u 2 my friends list???

I Am

Post 11

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

OOH please do! It is freezing here and rainy. Like smiley - brr really freezin'! I'll add you to my friends too! Maybe I'll have a real live friend in Scotland! Oh, you don't know how happy that makes me. smiley - wowsmiley - boingsmiley - cheers

I Am

Post 12


if you want to add pictures
go to edit page delete the words youve written.
first copy down a picture you want so its like this
and so on
next down at the bottom of the screen it says guide ml press that and change style there should be 4 words like this in yer space
in between the 4 tags so 2 and 2 add the pictue details like
allway down the screen make sure you copy the same words of the picture
and the press the update button

i'm lost

Post 13




Post 14




Post 15


hi velvyn its mark not found out how t set my page up yet chat soon mark xxxxxxxxx


Post 16


tryed doin this on tv but now doin it on pc lol


Post 17


hi velvyn hows u im good tar think ive sorted it out lol change to plain 4 diggie box gonna check out the rest of the site now thanx mark xxxxxxxxx


Post 18


u can also change ur name by goin in2 preferances n takin out researcher number n puttin a name in u like ..
all the guide ml stuff can b a bit dauntin but once u wrok it out its not so bad .. took me a few days n nites 2 set my page up havin 2 work codes out in stuff ..
u'll find theres lots of things here not just chat ..
hope u hav fun
V xxxx


Post 19


Hi Unique, been watching the changes it looks good.. oh but it sure takes up a lot of time lol

smiley - love S


Post 20


hiya .. yeah it does take a while esp when i seem 2 spend most of my time previewin n then tryin 2 find errors .. i'v done a few things that we cant see but PC users can .. got marquee which looks good .. been nippin next door 2 see it on neighbours PC .. me gonna try experimentin wiv other things .. been nosin thru help pages n got a few ideas there
speak 2 u soon
V xx

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