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Sarcasm is an epidemic

Post 1


I can honestly say that the British Isles are chock full of sacastic people, witness the type of humor that we love to watch from across the "pond" in America. Isn't Monty Python full of the beloved sarcasm? and Douglas Adams?

Partly it is because the British auto industry makes items such as the MG. It wont start, well how long has it been since it started? I knew someone who had two MG's one just for the parts to keep the other one running, shortly they were both out of the running, so I ended up driving him around.

Cars that run on fresh air?! Dream on, how can the multi-national auto and oil industry allow that to happen? Even if it could be done they would buy the patents and then not build them. No money in it for them.

I suspect that all sarcastic people are really optimists in hiding. They dare not go around with good attitudes for fear they will be proven wrong so they pretend to have these attitudes that keep people away from them so they will never be found out.

By the by it would take a bureaucrat to come up with the idea of building such a toll road so please dont give them the idea. Bureaucrats are like mice, they sneak into places like this and lurk. Then just when an idea is needed to eliminate the traffic someplace like the M6 they pop up and take ideas like your and stuff them through the approval process. So pipe down there about such impossible things.


Sarcasm is an epidemic

Post 2

Guffy the Ozone Slayer

Hi Dim Trav
Unfortunately American's have never really understood The British sense of humour, which as you say, is Sarcasm at its best. My MG was built in 1970, i've owned it since 1994, and it's only broken down twice, not bad for it's age don't you think? It doesn't start now 'cos i've moved house and had the holiday of a lifetime cruising down the Nile, missing no opportunities to see the pyramids and as many temples as possible, and now I don't have the money or time to service it, but as soon as I have it will start, no problem.

Cars that run on fresh air.......see sarcasm.

As for your little moan about the Birmingham Northern Relief Road, too late, it's nearly finished, it IS going to be a toll road and it WAS built on Green Belt land, but you weren't to know that were you?, you do live on the other side of the planet after all...

Sarcasm is an epidemic

Post 3

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - smiley toll road shouldnt that be renamed a troll road UG!

Wether the MG runs or not it is still one of the classiest cars about and a lot more reliabel than the stag.

Far more character than the smiley - bus you call a oldsmobilesmiley - laugh

Even those square boxes called cadillacs oh cant say owt about them can i now?

Regards BNsmiley -

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