This is the Message Centre for Baconlefeets

Eee Oook

Post 1

Trin Tragula

smiley - biro

"Eeeek eeek,

"Oo oo. Ee eek oo ooooo ook ook. Eeek, oo oo oook eeook. EEK EEK! Ooo, oo oo ... oook. Eeek eeek eek (eek eek) oook ooeeeook.

"Eeek oo,

"Eeekeek Oookook xxx"

Eee Oook

Post 2


Brave little blighter. smiley - brave

Better send him some packed lunch. smiley - run

Eee Oook

Post 3

Trin Tragula

Hmmph. He's not short of bananas smiley - flustered

Eee Oook

Post 4

Trin Tragula

smiley - biro

"Eeek Eekeekook,

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee smiley - zen Ook oo ooo eee eeek oook. Eeek eeek: "Hiiiiiiiiii-yah!" ... eeek, ooo oo ee oooeee eeek.

"Eeeek eeek,

"Ooook. xxx"

Eee Oook

Post 5


And they only gave you a bandana in trade for a banana? smiley - cross

You should see what Trin's got for you as a welcome home present! smiley - wow Must ... not ... tell ... of ... gown! smiley - doh

Eee Oook

Post 6

Trin Tragula

smiley - shhh

(That smiley gets worse every time I see it. And I can never remember how many 's'es and 'h'es it needs smiley - erm)

Eee Oook

Post 7


smiley - sorry

(It's the smiley - dontpanic one that gets me. The one place I know where to use an apostrophe in the right place and it won't let me).

Eee Oook

Post 8



It's quiet without her, isn't it? She's such a big gob. smiley - rolleyes

Are you off making a sandwich?

Probably still on the Dylan marathon. smiley - bigeyes

Eee Oook

Post 9

Trin Tragula

Takin' care o' bidneth *sniff*

'Wich! smiley - drool Only if you're making one mind ... eh? Sorry? Huh?

You've just reminded me I still have a bit of Dylan left to go smiley - wow

Eee Oook

Post 10


smiley - bigeyes You watchin' Appletini Now?

You've got more than enough. Hmmph! Getting passed 'wiches under the table to sub sandwich entries and not telling anyone about it. What d'you think you're playing at? smiley - tickle

smiley - envy

Did I tell you that I saw him live? And I was really close. And he did stool leaning. And he was live. And he took his jacket off. And he was live. Did I tell you that?

Eee Oook

Post 11

Trin Tragula

You have now!!! smiley - wow

(Actually ... I think you might have done smiley - winkeye)

Can I ... can I touch your jacket? smiley - brave

What's Appletini? Is it good? I haven't even got the volume up at the minute, because I thought there wasn't anything on.

I know smiley - biggrin Up in the Subs forum they call me Mr Sandwich, because they know I'll sulk if I don't get the 'wich Entries smiley - drool

(That's not true smiley - erm But I'd certainly like to be called Mr Sandwich. smiley - eureka Deedpoll! smiley - run)

Eee Oook

Post 12


(And I will do again. Everytime you flaunt your Dylan marathon at me. smiley - biggrin)

Have you been eating choccy pudding? Wash your hands and then you can touch it.

It's apple and ... er ... martini. J.D. drinks it. smiley - silly

What's Repo Man like? The telly keeps telling me it's one of the tip top films to watch before you die, but it's on a bit late. They must want us to die of sleep exhaustion straight after the film.

(smiley - laugh I'll call you Mr Sandwich. Actually, you could register as Mr Sandwich and run into all *those* threads shouting things ...smiley - winkeye)

Eee Oook

Post 13

Mr Sandwich

Hello smiley - smiley I'm new around here. Can you direct me to the sandwiches?

Eee Oook

Post 14

Mr Sandwich

smiley - puff Haven't done that for a while.

I've never seen Repo Man but I might give it a go - after a while, all that "Oo, you must" starts to wear you down.

Eee Oook

Post 15

Mr Sandwich

Hang on smiley - erm I'm losing track of who I am now ...

Eee Oook

Post 16

Trin Tragula

Mr Sandwich tried to take me over (really - every time I pressed the button as me, it came out as Mr Sandwich smiley - silly)

*presses button and hopes for the best*

Eee Oook

Post 17

Trin Tragula


Eee Oook

Post 18


Hello Mr Sandwich. Welcome to hootooland. smiley - smiley

You'll find that there'll be an abundance of sandwiches if you post something shouty in here:

Or maybe there'll just be tomatoes ...

Yeah, you can't tell you're not used to making new accounts. smiley - tongueout

Eee Oook

Post 19

Trin Tragula

That's never happened before though. You know ... with *headpoints* him.

Eee Oook

Post 20

Trin Tragula

Now there's a conversation which could use a more sandwich-oriented direction smiley - biggrin

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