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The Church of the Jammy Donut

Wow! Only been here 2 days and started a church and converted an atheist already.

Welcome to the Church of the Jammy Donut

The first commandment is: Thou shalt concede the possible, despite inconclusive evidence, existence of Jammy Donut.

The first concession was made by Fathom, hence forth known as St Fathom the Conceder smiley - angel

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2003

The church of JD

Only been here 2 days and started a church already. Not only that but already converted an atheist.

The Church of Jammy Donut.

The first commandment: Thou shalt concede the possible, despite inconclusive evidence, existence of the Donut.

The first to see the light was Fathom henceforth and forever to be known as Saint Fathom the Honceder, may his do never go stale nor his jam stiffen.

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Latest reply: Jul 26, 2003

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