Journal Entries

Written in Gloom

I didn't get the job. Despite nice trousers and clean fingernails.

smiley - wah

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I gave good interview, so I don't think I LOST the job so much as someone else got it instead. I shall now give over the afternoon to sulking and tomorrow morning it's back to the Jobs section with my trusty biro. And at least I have proof that my CV is attractive. Alas I can't quite bring myself to say: 'And I didn't want their stupid job anyway!'

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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2004

Oh happy day!

I have a job interview on Monday.

What am I going to wear? Argh! Argh! What am I going to wear? What am I going to wear?

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Latest reply: Jul 20, 2004

Of Mice and Men

The fiance (now Officially Known as Scrumph) and I got back from the Meet to find the resident mouse zipping about the kitchen. Or possibly a horde of mice, of which we saw the rear-guard, as the counter-tops are a mouse lavatory extravaganza. Kinda spoiled the warm glow gained by getting rained on in Hyde Park and having to have a wee drinkie or two or three or lots to assist the drying out process.

I have now made a humane mouse-trap from a baking tray, a roasting tin, a bamboo skewer, a toothpick, two pieces of sellotape and a piece of peanut-buttery bread. The previous trap consisted of a large glass jar with peanut-butter in the bottom and a ramp of cardboard up to the lip also dotted with peanut-butter to encourage mousy to fall in and not be able to get out. Mousy far to clever for us, ate the bait on the ramp and carefully did not fall into the jar. So we are trying a dead-fall trap. The plan is to frogmarch the mouse out to the local park and release him there, should he be tom-fool enough to trot under the roasting tin and dislodge the bamboo stick by nibbling at the bait. Knowing our luck he'll be a wee Moriarty and this saga will end with a life-or-death struggle on the lip of the bath-tub with the taps thundering away...

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2004

Blue feet, blue everything.

I've been ill for over a week now and, leaving aside what would be a perfectly understandable whinge about headaches, sore throats, coughs, swollen glands and icy feet, my real main complaint is that I AM SO BORED. I have the attention span of a mayfly on acid and the concentration powers of Dubya. I can't really go for a walk without stopping to cough my lungs up (which terrifies the local populace and is probably unhygenic) and anyway, can't remember why I set out in the first place and have to wobble back home. I can't read more than three pages of any given book. I can't listen to the radio without major attention drift. Tennis makes me feel homicidal, so telly is out. I have been feverish for so long I think my brain is dissolving. The washing-up hasn't been washed and fiance has been nobly doing all the cooking and I feel a complete waste of space and oxygen. Apparantly there's a virus going round and everyone else has had it worse than me, so on top of everything else I am, it would seem, a bit of a fraud. I'd get quite cross if I could concentrate long enough to remember what I was getting cross about. Where's the kettle? My feet have gone blue again.

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 2004

My Engagement Ring

It's here! It's a ring! It's shiny!

As you can see, it is also not a diamond. Apparently, diamonds only became de rigeur for engagement rings in 1920-something, when De Beers became concerned at the lack of interest in their glittery wares and started the whole 'diamonds are forever' ad campaign that really really really 'struck gold' (ah ha ha ha). So I am being quite madly old-fashioned and going for a nice little emerald, for the following reasons:

1) Emeralds are my birthstone, and therefore far too expensive for anyone to have ever given me one before, while pals of mine with the luck to be born under opals or agates or such have been bombarded with pretty twinklies.
2) I've always found diamonds a little unnerving. When I was a wee kid, I used to daydream about my Handsome Prince turning up and showering me with emeralds instead.
3) Diamonds may mean 'eternity' but emeralds stand for true love and happiness in every list of gem meanings I ever did see. It seems rather appropriate for an engagement ring.
4) My fiance likes to be unconventional too!
5) Err, I love emeralds. Have I mentioned that?

smiley - bubbly all round!

PS Please don't look too hard at the photos as I am miserably aware I should not bite all my nails off in a fit of aigh the day before we're due to go and collect the ring.

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Latest reply: Jun 13, 2004

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