Journal Entries
NaNoo, NaNoo
Posted Nov 1, 2012
And here is a place for me to whine and snivel and grouch and bang-head-on-desk about NaNoWriMo.
I hate my first five sentences. I am writing expository drivel.
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Latest reply: Nov 1, 2012
Sudden rush of optimism.
Posted Oct 20, 2012
OK, this year, NaNoWRIMo? Idiotic idea given I work full-time and have health problems, or splendid idea given that I am clearly the next Elizabeth Gaskell? Discuss.
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Latest reply: Oct 20, 2012
NaJoPoMo 2011 - 30th (Agapanthus est fini)
Posted Nov 30, 2011
Well, now, there's that done.
To be honest, I'm not overly pleased with my efforts. I know I have GOOD excuses for being feeble and doing very short posts some (many) days, what with the surgery and the following interruption-of-recovery because my hormones hate me and want me to suffer the Torments of the Damned(TM). But I did want to write more, and, more importantly, comment on other people more, and generally meander about HooToo chatting and being winsome more. And I didn't.
And now it is all over and I shall never, ever, ever get the chance again... Wait. Is HooToo going any place soon? Nope. It was nobly rescued for us and here it is. Are the people who wrote NaJoPoMo posts going anywhere? I hope not. Is anything stopping me from being winsome next week (apart from the fact I am not, actually, winsome, but that doesn't stop a lass TRYING)?
And I did post every day. Even when Everything Sucked Muchly and I had less than nothing to say. So there's that.
*Pokes that with a finger*
Well, I agree it's not much of a that.
Next up in Things To Do Of An Evening - Christmas cards. The Christmas present list. The Christmas present-buying freakout. Glitter. Wrapping paper with reindeer on it. Kings' Singers Christmas CD. Losing my temper with at least one family member who is insisting on being an awkward cuss and changing plans every other day between now and New Year. Hanukah doughnuts for work. New socks to be knitted. Getting the electrician to sort out the oven (which has gone a bit... manic. It either works, or blows every switch in the flat. I am scared of it). Dry-cleaning my winter coat. Waxing my winter boots. Being warm and well-fed. Hot-water-bottles. Bed.
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Latest reply: Nov 30, 2011
NaJoPoMo 2011 - 29th (Agapanthus is not only feeble but snivelling)
Posted Nov 29, 2011
I have been miserably tired all day, and done absolutely nothing. On the other hand, I have not thrown up. Which is good.
I can only hope that tomorrow I have the glorious energy to write something actually interesting and amusing for NaJoPoMo. As it is, I am obeying the letter of the law only. The spirit has long departed for a lie-down and a nice cup of tea.
I knew this was a possibility, as I knew I was having surgery, and I know anaesthetics make me Mentally Defective for a week or so afterwards (which is why they sign you off work for a week even if your stitches are healing up nicely). But I think I hoped that I, invincible, would nevertheless spring forward and the pure molten gold of my wittiest prose would trickle from my Couch of Suffering. Hah! And double hah! Because, Proust, I am not. No. And even Proust wouldn't have been at his most Proustian less than a week out from having several holes punched through his abdominal wall, and then been sick on top of it all.
(What did we say about the whining, young Agapanthus?)
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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2011
NaJoPoMo 2011 - 28th (Agapanthus is feebler)
Posted Nov 28, 2011
I am really not doing well at this NaJoPoMo thing this week. I'd like to write a longer, more interesting journal entry, but I've spent the day throwing up and it puts a crimp in my style.
And to think I vowed I wouldn't do self-pity. Sorry about that.
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Latest reply: Nov 28, 2011
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